Compassionate Relationships

We help successful women be seen, heard, and valued in their relationships.

”I was initially skeptical, but Fernanda's techniques worked. My partner and I are now communicating better than ever, and I feel more confident and empowered in our relationship.” — Helen 

Do you...

Feel unseen and/or unheard by your partner?
Feel like "the bad guy" in your relationships?
Worry that the distance between you and a loved one has reached a point of no return?
Struggle with miscommunication, disagreements, arguments or silent treatments?
Frustrated, anxious, sad, misunderstood, not-seen, not listened to, under-valued, taken for granted, judged, or disconnected?
Often second-guess your parenting decisions, especially when comparing yourself to other moms (who have it all “together”)?
Want to finally have compassionate and loving relationships?
Feel exhausted from trying to manage conflicts and maintain peace at home?

Hey there, I'm Fernanda Medina

I am a mother of two young adults with a degree in clinical psychology and four Master’s degrees in psychotherapy, specializing in relationships and communication. With 25 years of experience, I’ve helped hundreds of women, families, couples, and adolescents heal, transform, and strengthen their relationships. My innovative techniques draw from Nonviolent Communication, Ericksonian psychotherapy, and family systems therapy. I guide clients from pain and disconnection to empowerment, love, and compassion. Having overcome my own family struggles, I understand what it takes to create respectful, meaningful, and loving relationships.

My Commitment to you is:

To guide you step by step so you can discover, learn, and apply proven strategies tailored to your unique relationship needs,

so you can transform your relational struggles with ease and joy, and without the stress, until youTo guide you step by step so you can discover, learn, and apply proven strategies tailored to your unique relationship needs, so you can transform your relational struggles with ease and joy, and without the stress, until you finally get the compassionate relationships and the life you desire!

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What People are saying
Lupita - Santa Cruz, Ca.
"Initially resistant to change, I soon realized that the tools Fernanda provided were the key to a happier life. The conflicts and aggression that once defined my relationships with family, my husband, my children, friends, and even strangers were replaced with calm and understanding. I now see the world in a different way and am grateful for Fernanda's expertise and compassion. Thank you, Fernanda, for making a positive difference in my life."
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What People Are Saying
Jessica - Santa Cruz, Ca.
"We were struggling with our 6-year-old son's behavior. It didn't matter what we would do or say, nothing seemed to work. Luckily, I found Fernanda. She has given us tools to work with and we can already after three sessions see changes in how we communicate and behave as a family. Before working with Fernanda I was feeling stressed, not knowing what to do but now I feel relieved and hopeful."
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What people are saying
Adriana Medina - Denver, Col.
"Fernanda's knowledge of the developmental stages of teenagers combined with her facilitation skills makes for a tremendous learning experience and an enjoyable one. Only a few sessions into the workshop” Radically transform the relationship with your adolescent-Understanding their Brain and the Impact on their Mind, Behavior, and Relationships”, I already have been improving my relationship with my teenager. The understanding I’m getting from the workshop has been key to this change. It’s a miracle!”
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Are You Ready To Feel Seen, Heard,
Understood, and Safe?

That's EXACTLY how it feels when you develop Compassionate Relationships

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