Coaching Sessions

Compassionate conflict-solving & communication tools, skills, strategies & mindset

Let me help you radically heal & transform your relationships for good


Individuals | Couples | Adolescents | Parents & children


Building A Better Relationship With Yourself

The first relationship you cultivate is the one with yourself. During these session you will dive deep with Fernanda Medina and uncover what your belief system is and how it could be hurting your personal growth, how to change your self-talk to love yourself more and how to get rid of anxiety, depression and deeply rooted grief with practical tools and skills without going to therapy for the rest of your life.

individual coaching


Build a Stronger Healthier Relationship With Your Partner

During no more than 12 sessions, we will have solved your relationship struggles and conflicts. We will review why your partner acts and responds the way they do and what you can do to respond in a more loving way to enjoy a positive relationship. These sessions will help you move from the guilt and shame that comes with miscommunication and heated emotions. 

You walk away with a more heartfelt understanding as to why your partner is the way they are and will get tailored skills and templates to practice in real-life situations.   I  will take you by the hand, step by step, so you can learn innovative ways of responding to your partner when faced with difficulty. Your partner will not get cold or disconnected from you again because you will know exactly what to do and say in those difficult moments. I will walk you through A to Z on building the irresistible you that your partner will love and that will make him turn his attention toward you again for good. 

This is the best step toward a healthy happy relationship moving forward.


Transform your relationships with your adolescents

More than ever, genuine and compassionate relationships with our adolescents are vital, and to achieve this, we need to understand how the adolescent brain functions and how it impacts their minds, decision-making, behavior, and their relationships. By understanding their brain and by learning relationship skills, parents can turn things around and achieve healthy, connected, understanding, compassionate, respectful, and fulfilling relationships, and help their adolescents thrive.

Parents & Children

Radically transform your relationships with your children

Genuine and compassionate relationships with our adolescents and children are vital, and in order to achieve this, we need to understand how their brain functions and how it impacts their minds, behavior, and their relationships. This can help us as parents relate better to them and them to us.

During these sessions, we will discuss understanding the brain of the children and how adrenaline directly affects every decision and response they make. You will understand how we as parents can help them and support them, relate to them, and have conversations with them that don’t end in yelling, fighting, and screaming.

      my proven system

Is for you if
You Are Willing to:

Transform your relationships from problematic to compassionate and loving.
Reframe, transform and amplify the perception you currently have on how relationships and communication should be.
Become aware of unhealthy relational strategies you might currently be using which instead of solving problems promote more of the conflicts you already have. 
Dismantle defensiveness in your relationships. 
Learn and apply out-of-the-box relationship and communication strategies.

Is Not for you,
If You:

Want to keep your relationships the way they are
Want to keep judging and blaming others for your relationship problems
Want to keep a limited view and perception on how to solve your relationship's problems
Are not interested in transforming the relational strategies you are currently using that might be harming your relationships 
Are not interested in learning how to stop becoming defensive 
You are not interested in learning and applying out-of-the-box relationship and communication strategies

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