Were you 3 emotional needs met as a child?

Similar to how your physical body relies on food, water, and oxygen for survival, there are three core emotional needs that are essential and must have been fulfilled by your caregivers during childhood in order to pave the way for your emotional well-being as an adult. These are: Boundaries, Safety and Love!


<Our capacity to say no and our capacity to say yes>

The way boundaries were set in your household in your early development, paved the way for your ability to say a hard-full-body YES, or a clear and safe NO, to yourself and to others. 3 core emotional needs

If boundaries were not set appropriately when you were a child, if they were not respected or if they were not clear or fair; as an adult you might be experiencing:

Hardship understanding how to handle conflict
People pleasing
A sense of entitlement
Having a hard time saying no to people or saying yes to what you want and need
The inability to commit to something and follow through


<A place where your nervous system feels safe and at ease>

The environment you grew up in determines how much you can regulate your nervous system, and the ability you have to self-soothe.

Growing up in a household where conflict and violence were a constant, your nervous system might have understood that as a “normal environment” for you, so now in your adult life you might experience:

Maladaptive nervous system
Difficulty Regulating Emotions
Heightened Anxiety and Hypervigilance
Difficulty Trusting Others
Low Self-Esteem and Self-Worth


<Feeling love in your heart, in your physical body, and in your emotional body>

The way you understand love comes from the way your caregivers respected, nourished, or how responsive they were to you and your needs.

If you felt like your caregiver’s love was only present on condition, you felt neglected, or if the way they expressed love was harsh and cruel, now you might experience: 3 core emotional needs, essential 

A belief that you are not lovable
Thinking you only deserve love based on what you achieve
Being in a constant search for affirmation
Negative self-talk
Difficulty allowing love into your life
Fear of abandonment
Emotional detachment

Were these 3 core emotional needs met as a child?

In short, in the past, your caregivers served as models for setting boundaries, understanding how to feel safe, and experiencing what it means to love and be loved. Presently you have the opportunity to change.

If you were left with unmet emotional needs as a child, don't worry.


That now as adults, we possess the capacity to reshape these patterns, unlearn, relearn, and create the change and transformation we need. 

Now it's up to you to nourish and fulfill these 3 core emotional needs!

Special thanks to Alex Howard for being the inspiration for this Blog post.

I'll leave a link here https://www.alexhoward.com so you can access his online courses.

Follow my social media to read more about healing relationships and compassionate communication!

furthermore, finally consequently , for example. Compassionate Core needs met as a child. than in order to 

then, in other words,
thereafter, in particular
therefore, in reality
thereupon, in short

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